Christian Fable

This is the first book of my trilogy.

I have borrowed this title from Michel de Certeau’s book,
The Mystic Fable.

The link between mysticism and religion
is well known in some circles.


Mystics are people who believe they are receiving messages from the other world. I would say, therefore, that all prophets are mystics.

The other world, on the other hand, can be seen as Heaven (located up there in the sky) or Hell (located down below the ground in the netherworld). Another explanation is that the other world is related to the unconscious which is other than the conscious (this world).

Thus there are two possible explanations. One is cosmic.  It sees the earth as the center, with heaven above it and hell below it. The other explanation is psychological. The human mind is divided into two world, the world of consciousness and the world of unconsciousness. What come to us from the depth of our unconscious mental activity is perceived as coming from the other world. This is how a rationalist like me explains the religious world of the ancients.

In my book, I invite the readers to think critically and evaluate my interpretation.
