Welcome to my World

My world is most likely very different from yours.

My name is Joe Codsi

I live in Seattle

I am a thinker, writer and trouble maker. As I grew older, I learned to see the world differently. Let me explain.

Every coin has two sides. This is particularly true of the human coin. Everyone of us has a bright side and a dark side. The same is true of nations and religions. They have a bright side and a dark side.

We are conditioned to see our bright side and the dark side of our enemies. This is how we are raised.
The gospel discussed this problem in the following ways. It said that we tend to see the straw that is in the eye of our opponents, not the beam that is in our eye. It also said that we tend to filter the mosquito and swallow the camel. At the same time, the gospel criticized the religious leadership as the blinds leading the blind. This means that they see the bright side of the religious system, not its dark side.

A similar criticism can be made of all political systems. They are human, all too human. This means that they have a bright and a dark side, and that patriots are conditioned to see the bright side of their nation and the dark side of their enemies.

The gospel is an invitation to outgrow this simplistic dualism and become critical of our nationalism and religious superiority. In order to do so, some spiritual maturity is required.

This website is an invitation to think critically and become spiritually more mature.


Love of God and love of country can sometimes be detrimental to mature thinking.

If you are willing to learn about critical thinking you have come to the right place. I cannot enlighten anyone who is not ready to be enlightened. Our religious and national myths make us blind to important things that concern our faith in Jesus Christ and in the “Manifest Destiny” of America.
So far, I have concentrated on a critical approach to the way I read the gospels of Mark and John. But my next book will discuss the power of the myth in our political system. Israel has exploited such a myth to control America and insure her blind support for the Jewish state no matter how abominable the Israeli policy is.


I have discovered that there is in the Gospel of Mark an overt discourse and a covert discourse. The overt discourse is what everybody sees. So far, nobody has recognized the existence of the covert discourse. You can read about my discovery in my recent book, Secret Revelations in the Gospel of Mark.

The Ninth and Tenth Amendments are enigmatic. Nobody knows what they mean. Judge Borg was candid enough to say so. But this cost him the nomination to the Supreme Court. I invite you to read what I have to say about this point in my book, Enigmatic Texts in the Gospel and the Constitution.

To the extent our leaders, on the national level as well as on the religious level, want to impose their views and ideas on us, they expect us to be like ignorant and docile sheep. Mature people, on the other hand, would not hesitate to criticize their political and religious leaders when they are tempted to abuse their authority.


Please visit my little store. You can order my books and my line of fancy leather belts. Thank you. Just click on the Store menu.


If you are interested in what I say about America, please visit my old website

You can find in this website some important elements that will be incorporated in my next book, The Closing of the American Mind. Just go to the page Kamala Harris.



I wrote three books that form a trilogy.

First Book
The Christian Fable
Based on the Mystic Fable by Michel de Certeau.

Second Book
Enigmatic Texts in the Gospel and the Constitution
An enigmatic text “does not mention what it knows;
it hides what organizes it;
it unveils solely by its form what it erases from its content.”

Third Book
Fake News in the Gospel
Jesus was guilty as charged. Therefore, he was not the innocent Lamb of God whose death redeemed the world. His resurrection, on the other hand,
is based on pious illusions.


You can contact me by email
